“This was just what I was looking for…”

I am generally a fit person and think I had been eating pretty clean. I had not consumed gluten for 2 years and I limited my sugar and dairy intake quite a bit. My digestion had been off for a year or so and I was also dealing with an autoimmune disease (thyroid). I knew that food definitely played a factor, but wasn’t sure how to quite go about it all.
Cheri approached me about her education and ideas to help and I jumped at the chance. The first five days were tough just eating the soup. I was irritable (day 4 journal entry ‘super crabby today!’), tired and craving some of the foods that were not allowed (carbs for sure), but had promised myself (and Cheri) that I would stick with it. I could tell my body was detoxing. I had also been carrying an extra 4 pounds that wouldn’t budge and that had come off by day 3, so it kept me motivated. I know the goal was not weight loss, but it was a bonus!
Once we could add salad and healthy fats in, it was a breeze. I felt like my taste buds had changed. I was craving the soup and salad and was feeling great. I was regaining energy and my digestion was getting better. I was also becoming more in tune with my body and how it was reacting to different foods. For example, I found that I could only eat avocado every 3 days. One night I ate too much soup too late in the day and I paid for that with a belly ache and restless sleep. About 10 days in, I was waking up before my alarm and had more energy throughout the day. I also felt clearer, mentally.
It was interesting for me to journal my food intake, emotions and the way my body felt throughout the process. I started to do it as that is what Cheri requested, but I kept doing it for my own knowledge and reflection.
Even now that I have completed the 30 days, I am still sticking with it (for the most part J). I just feel better overall. I am leaner, happier and just generally feel good. Thank you, Cheri! – Alicia

Increased Energy!

My cleanse journey began on Jan. 16, 2017. My primary reason for doing this was to support my daughter. However, I have been intrigued with healthy living for years but just never really knew how to truly do it. During the soup phase I began to notice some incredible changes, namely increased energy and clarity of thinking. I’ve struggled with chronic fatigue syndrome and sinusitis for decades but after just five days both were largely gone! Another niggling issue I’ve had for a couple of years is that my eyes hurt, I thought I had dry eyes but my optometrist said I didn’t. He had me use a variety of drops to help with the discomfort. But along with the sinusitis clearing up my eyes quit hurting!
I have now completed the 30 day cleanse and am amazed at how good I feel. I’ve gone back to the gym and am going to integrate this eating regime into my daily routine. -Janice

I was addicted to coffee…

So….This was definitely a love hate relationship. The cleanse and I, not Cheri and I! I was very excited to do this, but with every intention of going straight back to coffee. Coffee and I were tight! The eating portion took some prep work, but it really felt good to eat extremely clean. I was 22 days into the cleanse and still craving coffee like crazy. I was completely wrapped up in it. It was a habit, a comfort, and crutch for me when I would get angry with my kids and think “I need a coffee to cope”. I would even have that same response when I was happy. I looked for the caffeine jolt around 2pm. I WAS ADDICTED TO COFFEE! I had no idea. During the first 22 days, I recognized this and I didn’t like it. So, instead of becoming angry because I couldn’t have it, I decided to get my fulfillment from a higher power, Jesus. He showed me what my body was really craving and that I didn’t need coffee. Also, on day 22 I had learned that coffee exhausts our adrenal glands. Every time I would have high doses of caffeine, my body would produce adrenaline, aka the caffeine jolt or pick me up. So I was running on adrenaline. If our adrenal glands continue to be exhausted, they will become damaged, which can lead to many other big problems.. chronic fatigue and thyroid disfunction.
So…. I woke up on day 23 and I didn’t crave coffee! What?!?!?! How in the heck is this possible?!?! My body healed itself. Thank you Jesus! Starbucks and City Brew, you ain’t got nothin on me now!! It feels so good to be set free from this addiction!
Cheri, thank you for being so generous with your time and for being so gracious with me through my grumpy stage. This cleanse was absolutely life changing for me! Not a quick fix, but a life changing event. I now eat healthy and know what I should and shouldn’t eat based on how my body reacts. Amen!!! – Cassie

Overweight and Exhausted!

35 lbs overweight, exhausted, constant chronic pain, a knee surgery…ugh…I felt AWFUL!!!!
When my friend Cheri posted she was going to coach a 30 day cleanse challenge, I knew I absolutely had to do it for my health.
I also knew, it was NOT going to be easy…..i was so addicted to sugar and caffeine and carbs.
I started slowly( a week before) by drinking my coffee black…I found that tis helped so much when it came time to eliminate coffee….
The first few days were definitely tough …..but it was incredible to actually feel myself detox. The bone broth has literally saved me…I’m addicted to it… I still have two 8 oz mugs a day or anytime I need a little boost.
There was no way I could have gotten through 30 days without Cheri’s support. You HAVE to have a coach….. She held me accountable daily even hourly if I needed it.
It has forever changed my life….I dropped 10 lbs over the course of 30 days and lost my craving for sugar…. My skin looks younger, my joints feel incredible (BONE BROTH) and I overall feel “well” again!

Thank you Cheri! You are the greatest and I love you forever!!!!



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